As I have been asked to come into classrooms to teach children about Brain Gym, I often begin by drawing a 8 on it's side (infinity sign or in Brain Gym a "lazy 8") on the board. I ask them what they think it is. I hope that they will think of a track (race track). I call it a learning track. Then I ask them to think of a time when they learned something hard and how they felt as they tried to master it. They usually identify their feelings as sad, mad, frustrated, want to quit, etc. When I ask if they like having those feelings, they tell me the don't, because they aren't happy and don't do well. Then I tell them that doing Brain Gym Activities can help them to get back on the "learning track" and away from those feelings. As I ask them if they still find the task they thought was hard to be hard for them now. They say it isn't.
When we are on our "learning track", the tasks that were hard can become easier. In fact, in time, we don't think about them being hard. Life is like that. We are always encountering new things that may seem hard at first. When we learn to do them, they are easy and we move on to learning something else. As we make sure we have water and do Brain Gym Activities like Brain Buttons, Cross Crawls, Hook-ups, Lazy 8s, Thinking Caps, Positive Points, etc., they help us stay on our "Learning Track" and we can learn easier and with less stress.
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