Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Feelings of Humility and Responsibilit

Feelings of Humility and Responsibility
I love this picture of the beautifully painted evening sky.  A feeling of humility comes over me each time I see it.  As I look closely, I can see the tiny plane so small amid the clouds.  It is so small that it can be missed and seem insignificant.  I am reminded that the same can be said of each of us.  We, not even a pinpoint in a scene like this, are so small, yet the truth is we are not insignificant.  

Each of us is important and holds within us the ability and power to do amazing things that influence those around us and far beyond.  Our influence begins where we are and travels outward in waves, like dropping a pebble in still water.  We cannot know how far or where that influence travels.  With that ability and power of influence comes the responsibility to choose the influence we send forth.  To what influence will we add our power?  The choice is ours.

Even though we are tiny in comparison to the world around us, we do make a difference.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spring Flowers


From the first crocus, daffodil, or hyacinth that pushes its way through the ground to the blossoms in full bloom, spring flowers bring beauty, inspiration, and hope to all who have weathered the winter storms and sleeping earth.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Self-worth-We Are a Miracle

I love this. 
It is so easy for each of us to be critical 
of ourselves and fail to see the beauty 
and miracle of our own being. 
Each of us is truly a miracle because we are!
Take time today to look for 
and acknowledge 
your uniqueness and beauty.