Thursday, January 14, 2016

Whole Brain Learning. What is it?

Under the Learning Tree promotes whole brain learning, as stated in it's purpose statement.  What is whole brain learning? It is "learning that involves the full potential of the individual (student) to access and store memories, experiences and skills that are meaningful and relevant to optimal growth and development."* It is doing our best. It is as simple as using the whole brain.
So why don't we use our whole brain all the time?  Life.  When there is an unexpected change in plans, angry words, frustration, an upset stomach, a cold, pain, stress, fear, test-taking, presentations, etc., the communication between the hemispheres in our brain is limited or ceases.  Many situations like these occur daily which "throw us off".  How do we react?   Do we make our best decisions at these times?  There are simple ways that can aid us in opening up that communication so that our whole brain can be engaged and we can be more effective.  These simple movements can aid us in getting back on track.

*"A Reference List of Edu-K Terms", Brain Gym 101: Balance for Daily Life, Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc. Ventura, CA

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