Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Engaging the Whole Learner"-a conference for those working in Early Childhood Education

I had a great time at the Cowlitz County Early Childhood Education Conference in Longview, WA on Saturday.  "Engaging the Whole Learner"  was the theme of the conference and, of course, Brain Gym Activities fit in perfectly.  I was honored to be invited to be apart of the conference. Engaging the whole child (or adult) is so important, more effective, and rewarding as we continue to learn and grow in our world today.
I was excited to sit in on a class taught by my daughter and her co-presenter, "ABC's of Social Media".  This is an area I want to know more about.  The class was perfect for me.  I learned more about facebook, twitter, and pinterest and how it can serve me in the business world.  I am looking forward to explore and learn more now.  Learning new information and skills is a way we can keep ourselves alive and integrated in the world around us.
Thanks, Shannon and those who worked with her, for the great opportunity!

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