Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Self-Worth Workshop coming this fall! The first is a series.

New Coming in the fall!  Self-Worth class (for adults)
"You are unique, a 'one of  kind'.  You are the only one anywhere 
that has your wonderful combinationof gifts and talents!  Know who you are."

First in a series of 90 minute practical, fun classes focusing on developing 
and maintaining strong, healthy Self-Worth.
More information to follow soon.          

Interested and don't want to miss out?  
Contact us underthelearningtree@gmail.com
to get on the email list.  

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Self-respect is a determining factor in our self-worth.  To have healthy self-worth, it is necessary to respect ourselves.  What does self-respect mean to us?  What requirements do we have to have in order to respect ourselves?  Are they reasonable?  (Remember we don't have to be perfect.  No one is.)  Are they the same every day?  Are they the same for us as they are for others?  Can we consider respecting ourselves just because we are (exist)?

It is essential to know and remember who we are.   Each of us is one of a kind, a unique individual with talents, skills, and qualities that no one else has in the same combination.  We are wonderful, valuable, and woth-while.  We are enough, we have enough, and we do enough.  We make a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

It is vital that we respect and honor ourselves.  We really do deserve both.  As we do, we will walk taller, hold our head higher, walk with a bounce in our step, smile wider, our eyes will sparkle, our voice will be stronger, and our thoughts and comments will be uplifting.  When we have self-respect, it is visible in all that we do, say, and thi
Sara Banister

Thursday, July 7, 2016

We Make the Decision. We Hold the Power!

This one is sometimes hard to grasp or accept, but it is true.  It's important for us 
to "really get" or understand that we are truly the one in control.  
How we perceive or accept any comment whether it be praise or criticizm is totally 
up to us.  Likewise, we feel less or inferior only if we choose to do so.  
It is up to us to evaluate the validity of the comment or act and give it meaning.  
We make the decision.  
We hold the power!
Sara Banister